Sunday, 5 March 2017


cat [filename]

Display file’s contents to the standard output device
(usually your monitor).
cd /directorypathChange to directory.
chmod [options] mode filenameChange a file’s permissions.
chown [options] filenameChange who owns a file.
clearClear a command line screen/window for a fresh start.
cp [options] source destinationCopy files and directories.
date [options]Display or set the system date and time.
df [options]Display used and available disk space.
du [options]Show how much space each file takes up.
file [options] filenameDetermine what type of data is within a file.
find [pathname] [expression]Search for files matching a provided pattern.
grep [options] pattern [filesname]Search files or output for a particular pattern.
kill [options] pidStop a process. If the process refuses to stop, use kill -9 pid.
less [options] [filename]View the contents of a file one page at a time.
ln [options] source [destination]Create a shortcut.
locate filenameSearch a copy of your filesystem for the specified
lpr [options]Send a print job.
ls [options]List directory contents.
man [command]Display the help information for the specified command.
mkdir [options] directoryCreate a new directory.
mv [options] source destinationRename or move file(s) or directories.
passwd [name [password]]Change the password or allow (for the system administrator) to
change any password.
ps [options]Display a snapshot of the currently running processes.
pwdDisplay the pathname for the current directory.
rm [options] directoryRemove (delete) file(s) and/or directories.
rmdir [options] directoryDelete empty directories.
ssh [options] user@machineRemotely log in to another Linux machine, over the network.
Leave an ssh session by typing exit.
su [options] [user [arguments]]Switch to another user account.
tail [options] [filename]Display the last n lines of a file (the default is
tar [options] filenameStore and extract files from a tarfile (.tar) or tarball (.tar.gz or .tgz).
topDisplays the resources being used on your system. Press q to
touch filenameCreate an empty file with the specified name.
who [options]Display who is logged on.

Monday, 27 February 2017

Nginx Settings

server {
  listen 80;
  location = /favicon.ico { access_log off; log_not_found off; }
  location /static/ {
      alias /Users/Afxal/workspace/test_project/static/;
  location / {
      proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for;
      proxy_set_header Host $http_host;
      proxy_redirect off;

Python Tricks and Tips

1. Emulating "?:"
Python doesn't know the trinary operator "?:" from C. However, it's pretty easy to emulate:
x ? y : z    -->    [z, y][bool(x)]
(If you're sure that x is already a boolean type (or an integer of value 0 or 1), you can omit the bool() function, of course.)
How does the trick work? We simply create a small list constant, containing the two values to choose from, and use the boolean as an index into the list. "False" is equivalent to 0 and will select the first element, while "True" is equivalent to 1 and will select the second one.
Note that always all three operands will be evaluated, unlike the "?:" operator in C. If you need shortcut evaluation, use an if-else statement.
Actually, there's another way to do it with shortcut evaluation, but it only works if ydoes not contain a boolean False equivalent:
x ? y : z    -->    bool(x) and y or z
2. Checking the Python version
You will often find yourself using features that are not available in older versions of Python. If someone happens to run your program with a too old version, an ugly exception traceback will be printed which is usually not very helpful to the user. Better use a snippet like this:
import sys
if not hasattr(sys, "hexversion") or sys.hexversion < 0x020300f0:
    sys.stderr.write("Sorry, your Python is too old.\n")
    sys.stderr.write("Please upgrade at least to 2.3.\n")
Those lines should be at the very top of your program, even before any other import statements. The variable hexversion is only available since Python 1.5.2, so we first check if it is there, just in case someone has an even older version. The format of the variable is 0x<maj><min><rev><rel> (major, minor and revision number, and an indication of the release status, which is f0 for official final releases). Each of the four parts is two hexadecimal digits.
3. Debugging CGIs
The "cgitb" module (available since Python 2.2) is extremely helpful when debugging CGI programs. Whenever a run-time error (i.e. exception) occurs, a nicely formatted HTML fragment will be produced, containing the backtrace with source context, line numbers and even contents of the variables involved. To use this module, put this line somewhere at the top of your CGI program:
import cgitb; cgitb.enable()
4. Parallel sorting of lists
Sometimes you want to sort a list, and there's a second list (of the same length) which should be sorted along with it. Of course, you could have used a single list of 2-tuples in the first place, but sometimes a program requires a different structure. Anyway, it's easy. The following snippet works with two or more lists (the example shows only two).
data = zip(list1, list2)
list1, list2 = map(lambda t: list(t), zip(*data))
Note that zip() returns a list of tuples, so you have to convert the result of the last zip() back to lists. That's what the map() command along with the lambda function does. If you don't actually need lists, the last line could be simplified like this:
tuple1, tuple2 = zip(*data)
5. Normalizing a MAC address
I found myself having to convert MAC addresses (sometimes called ethernet address) to a canonical format, i.e. each of the six parts with two digits, and having all lowercase hexadecimal digits. It's quite likely that there is an easier way, but this is what I came up with:
mac = ":".join([i.zfill(2) for i in mac.split(":")]).lower()
(The zfill method of string objects is available since Python 2.2.2.)
6. Sorting IP addresses
How to sort a list of strings that represent IP addresses? Of course, you could supply an appropriate comparison function to the sort() method of the list object, but that's very inefficient (read: slow).
It is better to first pre-process the list so it can be sorted with the efficient built-in comparison function (which simply compares strings character-by-character), and afterwards post-process the sorted list back to the normal format. That trick is applicable to a lot of sorting situations, not just IP addresses.
In the case of IP addresses, we re-format them so that each of the four octets is aligned inside a three-character field (preceded by spaces if necessary). Then all strings will be the same length and can be sorted using the fast built-in comparison function. Afterwards, we simply remove all spaces.
for i in range(len(ips)):
    ips[i] = "%3s.%3s.%3s.%3s" % tuple(ips[i].split("."))
for i in range(len(ips)):
    ips[i] = ips[i].replace(" ", "")
7. Parsing command line options
This is a code snippet for parsing command line options (using the getopt module) in a sophisticated way. In this example, the program accepts three options (both as one-letter options and as long options) and requires at least two arguments.
import sys, getopt, os.path
me = os.path.basename(sys.argv[0])

debug   = False
really  = True
verbose = False

my_options = (
    ("d", "debug",     "debug   = True",  "Enable debug mode."),
    ("n", "notreally", "really  = False", "No action, display only."),
    ("v", "verbose",   "verbose = True",  "Increase verbosity.")

short_opts = reduce(lambda a, b: a + b[0], my_options, "")
long_opts  = map(lambda x: x[1], my_options)

def usage ():
    args = "[-%s] <dir1> <dir2> [...]" % short_opts
    print >> sys.stderr, "Usage: ", me, args, "\nOptions:"
    for opt in my_options:
        print >> sys.stderr, "-" + opt[0], opt[3]

    opts, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], short_opts, long_opts)
except getopt.GetoptError:

for o, p in opts:
    for shrt, lng, action in my_options:
        if o[1:] in shrt or o[2:] == lng:
            exec action

if len(args) < 2:
8. Mixing Python and shell scripts
Sometimes it might be useful to write a script that can be used as a shell script or as a Python script at the same time. This is possible. The trick is that a sequence of four quote characters means an empty string to the shell, but in Python it starts a triple-quoted string that begins with a quote character. So you can embed shell commands within that triple-quoted string. Note that the first string in a module or script is simply stored as the doc string for that module, but other than that it is simply ignored by the Python interpreter.
The following example demonstrates that trick. It is started as a shell script (because of the #!/bin/sh line). The embedded shell commands check if Python is installed. If not, a useful error message is displayed and the script exits. Otherwise, if Python is found, the script is re-executed with it. Python ignores the triple-quoted doc string and executes the rest like a normal Python program.
If you want to have a a real doc string for your program, you will have to assign it afterwards. The script below shows how to do this, too.

if which python >/dev/null; then
    exec python "$0" "$@"
    echo "${0##*/}: Python not found. Please install Python." >&2
    exit 1

__doc__ = """
Demonstrate how to mix Python + shell script.

import sys
print "Hello World!"
print "This is Python", sys.version
print "This is my argument vector:", sys.argv
print "This is my doc string:", __doc__
sys.exit (0)
9. Converting signal numbers to names
Unfortunately there is no existing function in the "signal" module that converts a signal number to a signal name, although that would be a useful thing to have. The following function fills that gap.
import signal

def signal_numtoname (num):
    name = []
    for key in signal.__dict__.keys():
        if key.startswith("SIG") and getattr(signal, key) == num:
            name.append (key)
    if len(name) == 1:
        return name[0]
        return str(num)

How To Install Ruby on Rails on Ubuntu 14.04 using RVM

 How To Install Ruby on Rails on Ubuntu 14.04 using RVM


Ruby on Rails is one of the most popular application stacks for developers wishing to create sites and web apps. The Ruby programming language, coupled with the Rails development framework, makes app development simple.
Since Ruby on Rails doesn't come in a neatly packaged format, getting the framework installed used to be one of the more difficult parts of getting started. Luckily, tools like rvm, the Ruby Version Manager, have made installation simple.
In this guide, we'll show how to install rvm on an Ubuntu 14.04 VPS, and use it to install a stable version of Ruby and Rails. Although you can go through these procedures as the root user, we'll assume you're operating using an unprivileged user as shown in steps 1-4 in this guide.

The Quick Way

The quickest way of installing Ruby on Rails with rvm is to run the following commands as a regular user:
gpg --keyserver hkp:// --recv-keys 409B6B1796C275462A1703113804BB82D39DC0E3
\curl -sSL | bash -s stable --rails
You will be prompted for your regular user's password as part of the installation procedure.
Let's go over exactly what's happening here.
The gpg command contacts a public key server and requests a key associated with the given ID. In this case we are requesting the RVM project's key which is used to sign each RVM release. Having the RVM project's public key allows us to verify the legitimacy of the RVM release we will be downloading, which is signed with the matching private key.
The \curl portion uses the curl web grabbing utility to grab a script file from the rvm website. The backslash that leads the command ensures that we are using the regular curl command and not any altered, aliased version.
The -s flag indicates that the utility should operate in silent mode, the -S flag overrides some of this to allow curl to output errors if it fails. The -L flag tells the utility to follow redirects.
The script is then piped directly to bash for processing. The -s flag indicates that the input is coming from standard in. We then specify that we want the latest stable version of rvm, and that we also want to install the latest stable Rails version, which will pull in the associated Ruby.
Following a long installation procedure, all you need to do is source the rvm scripts by typing:
source ~/.rvm/scripts/rvm
You should now have a full Ruby on Rails environment configured.

Installing Specific Ruby and Rails Versions

If you need to install specific versions of Ruby for your application, you can do so with rvm like this:
rvm install ruby_version
After the installation, we can list the available Ruby versions we have installed by typing:
rvm list
We can switch between the Ruby versions by typing:
rvm use ruby_version
We can use various Rails versions with each Ruby by creating gemsets and then installing Rails within those using the normal gem commands:
rvm gemset create gemset_name    # create a gemset
rvm ruby_version@gemset_name  # specify Ruby version and our new gemset
gem install rails -v rails_version   # install specific Rails version
The gemsets allow us to have self-contained environments for gems and allow us to have multiple environments for each version of Ruby that we install.